Friday, July 18, 2008

Busy, busy...

Just in case someone was wondering if the earth opened and swallowed me up...

Life is getting in the way of drawing & blogging and I think there’re some busy months ahead of me since I’m flat-hunting and need to move before this year ends (the good thing about this is that I’ll have new views to draw from! ;) ).

Besides my computer died in a very unlucky time (there was a transportation strike going on) and I was computer-less for almost three weeks...

And being swamped with work doesn’t help either...

Perhaps I’ll be able to slip some sketch sometime but I don’t expect to get back to regular drawing & blogging till I’m settled in my new home (though I may post some photos about the process).

Thanks for your interest!

Monday, May 26, 2008

IF: Worry

Illustration Friday: "Worry"
Sepia Pitt pen on sketchbook

You can view all entries here.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

EDM #129 'Draw people doing something'

EDM #129 'Draw people doing something'

In both cases, and for a fleeting moment, they looked nice, but then I never know when to stop.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

EDM #122

EDM #122 'Draw something where shade is a prominent part of the subject'

Rotring Artpen with black and prussian blue ink

Sunday, May 4, 2008

IF: 'Seed'

'El Boig' ('The Fool')
ink & watercolour

This is an old illustration from a long forgotten project of mine (I only managed to do three out of 22 Arcana- ahem).
I thought of this when i read this week's theme for illustration Friday, I think it fits perfectly :).

Description of The Fool card by Joan Bunning

"As Card 0, the Fool lies at the beginning of the major arcana, but also somewhat apart from the other cards. In medieval courts, the court jester was someone who was not expected to follow the same rules as others. He could observe and then poke fun. This makes the Fool unpredictable and full of surprises. He reminds us of the unlimited potential and spontaneity inherent in every moment. There is a sense with this card that anything goes - nothing is certain or regular. The Fool adds the new and unfamiliar to a situation.

The Fool also represents the complete faith that life is good and worthy of trust. Some might call the Fool too innocent, but his innocence sustains him and brings him joy. In readings, the Fool can signal a new beginning or change of direction - one that will guide you onto a path of adventure, wonder and personal growth. He also reminds you to keep your faith and trust your natural responses. If you are facing a decision or moment of doubt, the Fool tells you to believe in yourself and follow your heart no matter how crazy or foolish your impulses may seem."

EDM #26 'Draw anything you like'

EDM #26 'Draw anything you like'
Rotring Artpen on moleskine (gessoed page on the left) & digitally coloured

Thursday, April 24, 2008

EDM #5 'Draw your bed'

EDM #5 'Draw your bed'

Rotring Artpen with prussian blue ink

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

EDM #18.2 'Draw the view from a window'

EDM #18.2 'Draw the view from a window'
Rotring Artpen with Prussian blue ink

It started as a contour drawing but I got distracted with the shadows...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

EDM #18 'Draw the view from a window'

EDM #18 'Draw the view from a window'

Black pen on moleskine

The moleskine is getting real fat and I'm having problems when scanning - so I'm posting the photo and I'll post the scan on flickr. Besides, the general colour is more accurate this way.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The trouble with distance...

pen and ink on watercolour moleskine

”The trouble with distance,” he finally says, “is that you always need more of it.”
The Onion Girl by Charles DeLint

EDM #64 'Draw your sink'

EDM #64 'Draw your sink'
pen on watercolour stained moleskine

I may be working on it yet. Or maybe not. I was only going to draw my sink after all, and the light and my point of view were changing all the time. I'm tired.

Since I use to spend the first 5-10 minutes scaring myself at the sight of the blank page and wondering how on earth I'm going to draw that every time I'm about to draw something, I've decided to record the first mark on the paper for any drawing (It's easier on Flickr with 'notes'). Maybe I'll learn something. Maybe not.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

EDM #14 'Draw what you see in the morning when you get up'

EDM #14 'Draw what you see in the morning when you get up'
pen on watercolour stained moleskine

I don't think I actually see anything 'til I get into the kitchen to make my first cup of coffee.
(and no, there's no giant mutant faucet in there,
I just got the proportions wrong :) ...)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

'Snowman ruminating about mechanical trees'

'Snowman ruminating about mechanical trees'
sepia pen and watercolour

My submission for Inspire me Thursday's topic: 'Inkblot'

(See all entries here)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Quan plourà?

'Aigua' (water)
(when is it going to rain?)

collage on moleskine

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Illustration Friday: 'Garden'

Illustration Friday: (My) garden
Pen & collage on moleskine

You can view all entries here.

EDM #101

EDM #101 'Draw a bar of soap'
black pen sketch

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Illustration Friday: 'Multiple'

Illustration Friday: 'Multiple'

You can view all entries here.

Monday, February 18, 2008

EDM #44 'Draw an animal'

EDM #44 'Draw an animal'
pen sketch on moleskine

I asked my mother to look for (and bring me) an old box with these much loved playmobil toys... The proportions are off (the figure is supposed to be slightly smaller than the horse, and his head is too big) but I need to show something for her effort ;) ...
(Note: The little marks on the top of his head are teeth marks...)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

EDM #6 'Draw your favorite well-loved object or a childhood toy'

EDM #6 'Draw your favorite well-loved object... or a childhood toy'

pen sketch on moleskine

Saturday, February 9, 2008

EDM #32 'Draw something metallic'

EDM #32 'Draw something metallic'

(ugh) pen sketch on moleskine

Friday, February 8, 2008

EDM #37 'Draw some keys'

EDM #37 'Draw some keys'

(quick & small & crooked) pen sketch on moleskine

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

EDM #3 "Purses, wallets or bags"

EDM #3 "Purses, wallets or bags"

Black pen on moleskine

Saturday, February 2, 2008

EDM #93 'Draw an egg carton'

EDM#93 'Draw an egg carton, with or without eggs in it'

Black pen on moleskine

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Reis 2008

Han vingut els Reis!!!
(presents brought by the Three Wise Men)

I was going to post an sketch rather than a photo, but I cannot even remember how to hold a pencil anymore...